Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Start of it All

The start of my Legacy Challenge, if you are unfamiliar with the Legacy Challenge it is an interesting way to play any of the The Sims 3 games.  The link to the rules of the one I chose is here Random Legacy Challenge . I have a real problem playing sims without also writing a story so this seemed like a perfect way I can do both, actually play the sims, and write a story...hopefully it's interesting enough to keep your attention!

So I got out my handy dandy notebook (sorry folks, seven kids and too many hours of Blues Clues) and found a nifty online dice throwing website and began tossing the dice for my first generation Legacy Family.  The Results were:

Generation 1

A. Single Parent - You must not retain a spouse or partner on the lot. If your heir is female, you aren't allowed to

move in the father of any children they may have. If your heir is male, the mother may be moved in for the pregnancy

but must leave the lot within 24 sim hours of giving birth. Do not roll for section D.

B. 2 children only

C. Standard Career Journalism

E. Idle Career
 Idle career - Idleness is your choice, so your sim won't make any effort in his/her career. Don't learn any skills

nor read any books nor do any travels required for the career. If you reach the top of your career's level, it won't

be because of your efforts, but only because it's just YOU.

F. Live Your Trait - Choose one of your heir's 5 traits to live by. Your heir, starting at YA age, will have to

do something every day that reflects this trait, and must fulfill any wishes that come up that are related to this

trait, up to 5 wishes a day. If your heir rolls more than 5 trait related wishes in a day, you only have to do 5,

though you can certainly do more. (Except for wishes related to the trait that would require you to break the income

restriction rules, i.e. if you choose Artistic as your trait, you must fulfill wishes to paint or go to the art

museum, but not wishes to sell paintings if you didn't roll for Artist as a career).  My heirs Trait of choice is Artist

Ann St. John is a Libra who loves waffles, the color lilac, and custom music.  She is artistic, has a green thumb, is a Natural cook, a bit of a neat freak, and very flirty. 

So our story begins....


  1. Hi can you make another part this story is really good.

  2. I am on vacation right now visiting family but promise updates soon :) Thank you for commenting and hope you continue to enjoy the story!

  3. Oh ok :) and I will

  4. Hi, I just came upon your blog and am now very interested in starting a legacy like this myself. I love this! Is there any way you could share the link for the online dice thing?
