Monday, July 11, 2011

Chapter 21

She woke up dazed and a bit confused, but as everything came into focus she realized where she was, this couldn't be happening!  "What is going on Elijah? Why am I here?"

 Elijah looked down at her and smiled, "Because we are getting married and here is where you belong!"  She jumped out of bed and almost collapsed as the room began to spin, "You're crazy, you kicked me out Elijah, you threw me out because we slept together, and now, now what, because you want to do right by your son you are throwing me a bone?"

Elijah walked over and swept Paris into his arms, "No Paris, we are getting married because I love you and don't want to spend another day without you here, and I think you feel the same way.  These months without you have been hell for everyone in this house, you belong here Paris.  I was scared and stupid and I hope someday you will find it in your heart to forgive me for what I have put you through. You don't have to say yes, yet. I'll wait, but please stay here with us."

She couldn't say yes, she wanted to, but something held her back, it was all too much.  In the end she agreed to move back in and she knew in her heart that she would forgive him. She just needed a little time to breath first.

Two short years  later she was meeting her groom for their little park wedding.  Blake and Dawson were there of course, unfortunately Elijah's father could only be there in spirit, he passed away just 4 months before the wedding.  She missed the old man, she enjoyed his company, and in every way she wouldn't be there if it hadn't been for him, didn't seem right that he wasn't there. They had bought the land and built the park in his memory, donating it to the city.

Elijah gazed into his bride's eyes, sparkling with un-shed tears, hearing the murmurs of family and friends gathered around them. It was  a far cry from his last wedding when they had run off secretly to say their vows.

  As they said the vows they each wrote for one another there didn't seem to be a dry eye in the park.   The day was beautiful, neither Elijah nor his new bride, Paris could ask for anymore, so they were shocked when they received a surprise honeymoon to Paris, France as a wedding gift from Elijah's siblings.    His siblings seemed to think that a girl conceived in Paris, named after Paris, should spend at least a few days in Paris!

They arrived in Paris two days after their marriage, after so long travelling he didn't know how he would have the energy for their wedding night, but he had every intention of finding it!  She came out of their hotel bathroom wearing nothing but her corset, and he knew right then, adrenaline was most definitely his friend!  As he lay her down on the bed, he looked down at her, amazed that she was really his, and amazed that he had almost thrown such an amazing woman away!

He loved watching her as they toured through her namesake city, the Museum delighted her, and he couldn't help smiling as her child like enthusiasm for each piece of art work bubbled out of her.

They tried to do it all while they were there, museums, wineries, outdoor cafe's.  If it was a popular cliche for Paris they made a point of doing it.  They both fell in love with the cuisine, he found, much to his surprise, he even loved frog legs when it was cooked in Paris!

He took her shopping for souvenirs, both of them making sure they had something special to give the boys when they returned home.

Two weeks into their stay things took a turn for the worse, Paris began feeling ill, and soon it seemed she couldn't hold anything down.  They ended up in a French hospital and there they found they were going to become parents again.  Neither of them could think of a better ending to their honeymoon!


  1. Was this... was this a HAPPY chapter? O_o Nothing went wrong? No one died?


    Nah totally joking. I'm happy Paris and Elijah can be together with no more drama. He really deserves a happy ending after all he's been through. (I stand by my belief Paris would have been fine without him).

    <3 Can't wait til your next update.

  2. I just stumbled upon your blog and have really enjoyed reading it! :) Come check out my Sims Stories blog if you'd like!

  3. Umm CeCe technically there was a death, Elijah's dad, Malachi, passed away right before the wedding :( I really loved that character and hated to see him go! Don't worry I'm sure the "real" Michelle will take back over soon enough...
    Thanks to both your comments, makes me think this is actually worth doing! Not that there is much of a choice, it's like a drug, must get my next fix..LOL! Loved reading Rosedalesims, I adore stories that follow several families!

  4. Darn, I've gotten caught up, now I'm dying to see what's next for this amazing family!

  5. You won't have to wait too much longer, just have to finish up photos!
