Thursday, June 9, 2011

Chapter 16

He found his mother the next morning, still in bed, she looked for all the world to be sleeping peacefully, she even seemed to have a smile on her face. He would always wonder what put the smile on her face.

The Memorial services were held at the house, it was odd, having all his brothers and sisters there and Mom not being present, and he wondered now how he was going to get by without her.  She had been his rock, had done so much for him, and now he felt entirely alone.

Things with Holly hadn't improved any, even with the vasectomy their bedroom life was almost non-existent and she was rarely home anymore.  He had resorted to hiring a babysitter so he could still take jobs.  Emma's birth had made things more hectic in their household then ever.  She was a beautiful little girl but Malachi could see very little of her mom or himself in her, in fact he couldn't see anything of himself in Alison either.  "Maybe it's because they are girls, I just can't see myself as feminine." He kept trying to soothe his mind, to convince it, it didn't know what it thought it knew.

He couldn't ignore the obvious any more, even after years of trying to.  "I had a damn vasectomy Holly, how in Hell's name can you be pregnant? I was checked, there's nothing there to get you knocked up!"  He was furious, he had tried to ignore her cheating for so long, and now here it was , as if she wanted to flaunt it in his face, " Well give me the money and I'll get it taken care of  Malachi!"  She knew how he felt about it, she knew he couldn't stand the thought of her having an abortion, she had him again, and she knew it just as sure as he did.

" I want a divorce, we are over Holly, this marriage is over.  I'll take the kids, I won't even fight you over the stuff, you can have everything we own...except the house, you have nothing to do with the house, it's our family's."  Holly smiled at him, she was tired of his sulking about, since she had got knocked up and he had refused to give her an abortion he had hardly spoke to her, now she was huge, ready to deliver any day, he knew it was safe, she couldn't abort it now.

She had news for him, this was a good thing here, and she had no intentions of leaving it. " Oh no, Malachi, we are married and the house belongs to us, so if you want to leave me, well you can leave but I am keeping the kids and the house!"  She hoped to God he wouldn't call her bluff, no way in hell she wanted strapped with all the brats, but there was always boarding school if that was the way the chips fell.

How could she even think of taking the kids away, she didn't even like them! "Holly be reasonable, you don't like children, you have nothing to do with your children, why would any judge give you custody of them?"  Holly smiled over at him, "Malachi, you be reasonable, only one of the kids is even yours, so why would the judge give any of the girls to you? Better yet, why would he give our son to you and split up the children? The girls may not be yours, but they are Elijah's sisters."

She was right and she knew it, so did he. What was he suppose to do?  He couldn't lose his children, even if the girls weren't his, he had raised them as his own and in his heart loved them as much as he loved Elijah.  His children were his world now, everything he did, he did for them. She had him trapped. The best he could hope for was that she would grow tired of it all and leave him.

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