Sunday, June 12, 2011

So how have they done so far?

I realized I haven't really told or explained too much in the story how all the different legacy rules have been played out within my game, so I thought I would take a moment and let you know starting with Generation 1 and moving ahead from there...

GnGeneration 1

A. Single Parent - You must not retain a spouse or partner on the lot. If your heir is female, you aren't allowed to

move in the father of any children they may have. If your heir is male, the mother may be moved in for the pregnancy

but must leave the lot within 24 sim hours of giving birth. Do not roll for section D.

Of course you all know Anna never married, she had a string of dead beat dads, none of which stepped up to the plate!

B. 2 children only

Anna Gave birth to two little girls, Bailey and her older sister Hannah.  Bailey became the heir for the next generation, and Hannah moved to Paris and was never heard from again (In reality when she moved out, because there wasn't enough money to buy her a house, she had to be kicked out and disappeared from the town, the rest of course was creative license)

C. Standard Career Journalism

Anna hated her job, she really never liked it, it stressed her out, and she never had any wants for it.  Her passion was painting.

E. Idle Career
 Idle career - Idleness is your choice, so your sim won't make any effort in his/her career. Don't learn any skills

nor read any books nor do any travels required for the career. If you reach the top of your career's level, it won't

be because of your efforts, but only because it's just YOU.

Anna only reached level 5 of her career because of the restrictions, but like I said above she didn't want to do any better writing just wasn't her thing, not until she became an elder!

F. Live Your Trait - Choose one of your heir's 5 traits to live by. Your heir, starting at YA age, will have to

do something every day that reflects this trait, and must fulfill any wishes that come up that are related to this

trait, up to 5 wishes a day. If your heir rolls more than 5 trait related wishes in a day, you only have to do 5,

though you can certainly do more. (Except for wishes related to the trait that would require you to break the income

restriction rules, i.e. if you choose Artistic as your trait, you must fulfill wishes to paint or go to the art

museum, but not wishes to sell paintings if you didn't roll for Artist as a career).  

Anna's Trait of choice was Artist, and this was an easy challenge to fulfill it was all she wanted to do!  We did unfortunately lose most of Anna's paintings though along the way :(

Generation 2
A. Couple, must be married

Bailey Married Trevor young, and as we all know that marriage definitely had some major ups and downs, in the end Trevor turned into the husband Bailey wanted, unfortunately he died shortly after that! (Not my fault he wanted to repair the TV!)

B. 5 children

Well they ended up with 6.. can anyone name them all (Geesh I can't even do that without looking You have too much time on your hands LOL!)

Madeline the first born Married and had 3 daughters
Megan Married and had 2 daughters and a son
Malachi and Michael (Michael never existed in reality, that was for story purposes only) This was the chosen heir for our next generation
Mason never married

of course the last two born really were twins

Molly married but never produced children
Maddison married but had no children

C. Non-Standard Career List (Legacy child)

Artist – Paint or sculpt(or both!) and sell the finished products.

Bailey actually made a very good living selling her paintings and sculptings, it was the beginning of the family's climb out of poverty!

D. Business (Partner Career)

Trevor thrived in his career, and through his work and Bailey's paintings and sculpting the family began having to worry about money a lot less.. in fact it was during this generation that several additions were made onto the original home!

E. Property Mogul - Start a powerful business center and buy parts of at least 3 rabbit holes in town (whatever you want). You don't have to be the owner, only at least a partner. You can also buy Venues, and upgrade them. You are allowed to collect on the funds generated by these properties (this is the only way outside of oppurtunities that your Sim's can make money outside their career track)

Before Trevor's death he owned partnerships in the Business building, the Cinema, the Bookstore, and the Grocery Store. 

F. Luxury - Replace the furniture of any room by the highest quality in the catalog. you'll need to save money for that, but money is not a problem for you, is it?

They may have gotten a bit carried away on this part.  They gave the living room a complete makeover, as well as the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom.  The only room that wasn't changed in this generation was Anna's room, it stayed completely unchanged until 3rd generation. Not only did the entire upstairs get a new look and basement was added as well with another bedroom down there.

Generation 3

8-14) Couple – You must obtain a spouse or unmarried partner.

Malachi became the Heir for this generation and he married Holly.  This turned into the worst decision of his entire life, and somehow I think he knew it shortly after it was a done deal.

B. Number of Children

1 child was rolled this time, and so I also made sure that I didn't influence the gender since this child was the guaranteed heir.  They had a boy, Elijah.

5) Private Investigator

This was Malachi's job and he seems to love it, but it is a bit of a pain trying to keep up with him working and everything else that goes on in the house.

1) Architect

Holly's job was architect/home design.. again the job seems to suit her, although she has had the want to quit it a few times, I think sometimes she would 
prefer just sitting in front of the television.

6) A Party To Remember 

I chose Bailey's Funeral for the party to remember.  Since Holly doesn't cook, Malachi fixed all the dishes, he served Key Lime pie, Cheese Plate, and Stir-fry all were excellent quality.  A Mixologist was hired, but not a single person got a drink during the entire party!

They also added another addition to the home, and sub basement used to store the urns of those who passed from previous generations.  Bailey and Trevor 
are both there.

13) The Joker - If you roll this, then you do not have a "Misc Fun" objective for this Generation. However,you also have a "Get Out of Jail Free" Card. Your Sim's are allowed ONE re-roll of Challenge objectives if you get a result that for whatever reason you can't / don't want to complete. (incompatibility, repeat of a previous generation etc.) This re-roll can be saved until it is needed

I have chosen so far not to use the Joker.

Now some photos that never made it in the story...


  1. Wow, nice fountain! :D And the little boy Malachi was reading to is so cute! Can you take a picture of the whole house and rooms? It looks so great compared to the first generation :D

  2. The little boy Malachi is reading to is Elijah, he was adorable! The fountain not sure where it came from? I will try to get photos of the entire house tonight as I am working on the next chapter now :) Will post them when they are done :)
