Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Chapter 12

* Unfortunately for this chapter, my computer messed up, and I didn't realize it until it was too late, most of the photos I thought I was taking, were not taken, so forgive me for this chapter not being very photo intense.  I wasn't able to go back and get the photos I needed because the sims had already passed those stages.*

They say when you leave your youth behind time begins barreling past you, but it's not true, not completely true. It picks up speed when you leave your youth, but having children, that's what causes time to barrel on past.  It was doing just that to Bailey, she closed her eyes for a second and the twins were walking, talking, and she was back to potty training.

Madeline had would soon graduate high school , Bailey still wasn't sure how it happened, but her first born was almost old enough to leave the nest. It  didn't seem that long ago that she was laying in her arms for the first time still wet from the birth, and now she was changing into a young woman before Bailey's eyes.

Megan didn't seem to have an interest yet in boys, and for that Bailey was grateful, she knew it would come soon enough. She preferred to hang out with her best friends, and had recently declared herself a vegetarian.  Bailey smiled at the announcement, she was certain it was just a stage that she would outgrow, meanwhile it wouldn't hurt to indulge her daughter a bit.

Malachi and  Mason were both doing well in school, although for Malachi it came a bit harder.  He spent hours each night struggling over his homework, and was often envious of his Irish Twin who was done within minutes of starting.

Malachi had developed an interest in all things police, he had begun watching all the cop shows he could get his hands on, specifically ones like NCIS, and CSI.  Bailey wondered if her first born son would choose a career with the Men in Blue.  She didn't really care for that thought, knowing the danger he would be in each day, but still she knew she would be proud of a son that chose to serve his community and protect the innocent.

Bailey Blinked again and the twins were in grade school, Madeline and Megan  had graduated from high school.  Madeline had fallen in love and married her high school sweetheart during a wild weekend to Vegas, and she discovered that Megan would never have an interest in boys.  The last had been a bit of a shock to her, but she only wanted her children to be happy, so when Megan brought home her girlfriend, she had her parent's blessings and good wishes for a happy and fulfilling life, and a love that would last through it's many ups and downs.

Malachi had also fallen in love at the ripe old age of 17.  He declared Holly his true soul mate.  His parents knew that she was the just first of many, at least Bailey hoped so, she didn't much care for Holly.  The girl was beautiful, there was no doubt about that, but she was as rude as she was gorgeous.

It came as quite a shock when a few months later they announced they wanted to be married, and there was little argument against it for Bailey, Holly was pregnant with her grandchild.  They moved the girl into their home, and began making arrangements.  Bailey told the both of  them that there wasn't going to be a grand wedding, they would be married quietly and before the baby was born.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Chapter 11

When she found herself pregnant again Bailey was terrified, she wasn't sure she could go through another delivery, but this time it was different, Trevor was different.  He insisted that she get medical care, and when the doctor discovered it was twins again, Trevor informed Bailey they would be born at the hospital.

As soon as the first contraction hit, Trevor bundled her into the waiting taxi and they were off.  Bailey was in labor for 10 hours when one of the twins heartbeats dropped, along with Bailey and Trevor's stomach. " Not again, she screamed, I can't do this again!"

The next hour was a blur, they whisked her off to the operating room and the babies were delivered via a ceserean, she heard the doctor congratulate her, and then the room grew fuzzy.
When she woke up, she was laying in a bed, Trevor by her side. "You scared me babe, you started bleeding bad, and they made me leave, said you were critical.  They had to perform a hysterectomy to save you, I'm sorry. "

She tried not to let Trevor see the relief in her eyes at the thought of never having another baby. "The babies, can I see them? I didn't even hear what we have?"  Trevor smiled as he brought one of the pink bundles over to her, "Two beautiful little girls!"  As she held the tiny girl in her arms she knew what her daughter's names were, Molly and Maddison.

A week after their birth, Trevor and Bailey left the hospital with their newest family members. Bailey couldn't stop smiling, despite the pain from the C-section, she was happy.  Trevor had changed, and it seemed it was for the better.

The next weeks Bailey treasured each moment with her girls, knowing how close she had come to never
seeing them and they were truly her last, made their birth and babyhood even more special and important.

Trevor too seem to cherish his daughters, always a doting father  in the past he had held his children and played with them, never feeding them or changing them.  With the girls that was all changed.  He helped with everything, feeding, diapering, walking the floor with them when they were cranky.  He even did some midnight feedings.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Legacy Chapter 10

Their life went on like that for the next year, each living in their own world.  Bailey's world was one filled with diapers, homework, and potty training. Trevor's revolved around his work, he quickly rose to the top in the office, taking over as CEO of the corporation he worked for.  They barely spoke to each other, and never touched.  She had never been so lonely in her life, suddenly she longed for him, longed for his attention.

She didn't know how to break the cycle, didn't know if it could be broke.  She knew he had a mistress, was certain of it, a man didn't go that long unless he was getting something on the side, but she wasn't sure which was worse, the fact he had sought the comfort of another woman's arms, or that she just didn't care, or hadn't cared, but lately that was changing.

She knew if she wanted to save what was left of their marriage she had to make the first move.  She sent the children off to bed and fixed a romantic dinner, then she slipped into a satin chemise and waited for his return home that night.  She knew he would be late, he always was, but she was prepared, she had taken a nap when the kids all left for school, and then spent the rest of the afternoon fixing her hair, painting her nails, and of course shaving.

He was startled when he finally came into their home, the lights were all dimmed, and his wife stood by the door wearing almost nothing.  He could smell dinner from the driveway, and his stomach rumbled in protest.  He just wasn't sure what was more important at that moment.  It was as if he was viewing her for the first time, and his entire body reacted to what he saw.

"What's this? What is going on Bailey?" She suddenly felt like a fool standing there dressed like she was, still she couldn't back out now, so she stammered ahead " I think it's time we reconnected, I miss you Trevor."

"Oh, my beautiful Bailey, I was hoping you would come to me like this, I dreamed of it since the day I made you my wife."  He took her in her arms and kissed her, she felt the sparks from his tongue all the way to her toes, as he carried her off to bed.

It was hard to believe it had been that long, they had been married almost 14 years now.  "Fourteen years and four babies, with another one on the way.  Can I really be 31 years old? Is it possible that I have gotten that old that fast?"  She looked over at her husband, he would be turning 44 in just a few months.

Just then Madeline ran through the house, "I have to run, me and the girls are going to the movies Mom, Love you, I'll be home by nine I promise!" Bailey smiled, "I guess it really is possible, look how big my baby girl has gotten, where did the time fly to!"

Monday, May 23, 2011

Chapter 9

She was trapped, there was no other way of looking at it she decided.  Pregnant just one month after Mason's birth with her fourth child.  She had cried when she told Trevor, and he hadn't even cared.

She begged him for some help with the kids, and he told her this was her job, his children wouldn't be raised by anyone but their mother.  She tried to explain that she never had time for herself, for her painting and sculpting.  He told her to grow up, they were just hobbies.

She thought about leaving him, but he was a good father to his children, and she couldn't imagine taking them away from him, besides leaving wouldn't help her any, not now.  She tried to resign herself to the life she had chosen, but depression overwhelmed her as the baby grew in her stomach.  She cried as she changed diapers, cried as she did laundry, cried before she went to sleep.  This wasn't what she wanted, she never signed on to be a baby factory!

She felt 40, she was barely 21 years old, legally just now able to go to a bar and have a drink, and she felt she had lived decades more already.  Her body was tired, tired of carrying babies in it and on it, tired of hurting, and this one hurt like none of the others had, her hips hurt, her back hurt, her ribs hurt where he or she kept kicking.  She wanted this baby out of her.  She wondered if she even had it in her to love another child, another mouth to feed, butt to change, screams to wake up to, another drain on an already exhausted body.

Twins, there had been twins, she named them Malachi and Michael, Michael never took his first breath.  It was no wonder she hurt so much, she had twice the baby in the same size room.  If he had let her visit the doctor maybe it would have been different, but it wasn't, they buried their baby next to his grandmother.  She had never felt such pain in her life as she did standing by his grave, the guilt of not loving him or wanting him ate at her.

The birth had been fairly smooth, Malachi came first, after only a couple of pushes he gushed into the world, Michael slid out behind him just 3 minutes later, a momentarily happy surprise, the happy shattered as they tried to get him to breath, and minutes later devastation had replaced any joy they had felt as they realized he never would.

 She held Malachi extra close the next months, somehow hoping to make up for the loss of his brother, her son.  Trevor became distant after Michael's death, pouring himself into work, staying away late, leaving most mornings before she had even gotten up.  She wasn't sure what was eating at him, but she wondered if maybe he blamed himself or even worse, blamed her.

She wasn't even sure how to go on from there, there was only one way, a day at a time.  She focused on her children, what more was there to focus on, and maybe that was what Trevor was doing as well, focusing on his work to forget the pain. She was relieved he left her alone, relieved he wasn't demanding husband rights, or even worse another child, that would be more then she could bear right then she thought.

* For those familiar with the challenge rules, the death of the twin, was merely story related, there was not 2 babies born, it was pure creative license on my part*

Chapter 8

After Megan's birth, Bailey decided she had to take things in her own hands, "I refuse to pop out a baby every year, he doesn't have to birth them, he doesn't have to stay home and take care of them, I do!"  She went in to her doctor's and asked for a birth control shot.  Life was hectic with the two girls, both still in diapers, she didn't want to risk a third baby, not yet.
He wanted to start trying again just a few weeks after Megan's birth, and safely on the shot she was willing to let him try all he wanted.

She put her artistic talent into remodeling their home, it was over due for a face lift she felt, and she knew they had the funds to do it.  They needed more room so the house was jacked up and a basement laid down underneath it.  The living room and Kitchen were completely redone, as was the bathroom, the room that had been her mother's was turned into to bedroom for Madeline, and her art supplies were moved downstairs in the new basement where she could sculpt and paint in peace.

After months of trying with no success he suggested that maybe she needed to see a doctor, she knew it was time to stop getting the shot, she still wasn't ready for another baby, but at least Megan was a year old now, and Madeline was just past her second birthday.

Maybe it won't be so bad, and it wasn't, it took them almost two more years of trying before she conceived again, the shot had thrown her cycle off, secretly Bailey had hoped that maybe there wouldn't be another baby, the two she had were all she could handle most days, and left her little time for anything beyond cooking, cleaning, and changing diapers.

She gave birth to Mason  shortly after Madeline's 5th birthday, finally she had given him a son. "Maybe now he will be happy," was the first thought that crossed her mind as she gazed down at her tiny son.

Chapter 7

Trevor insisted they were married a month after Madeline's birth. The simple wedding was held at their home.  Most of the guests were friends of Trevor's, but she didn't care, she was just happy, she was becoming his bride.  The age difference mattered little to her on that day.

As they sealed their marriage with a kiss, Trevor leaned in and whispered in her ear, "I love you so much babe, we are going to have an amazing life together, I know you will be a wonderful wife to me, and I will be the husband you need."

That night after the guests had left and she had put their daughter to bed, they retired to their bedroom, still in their wedding clothes.  " I think it's time we start trying for another one, what do you think?"  She was surprised, Madeline's birth had been so hard for her, she didn't really think she ever wanted to do it again, "Maybe we should wait a bit longer Trevor, I'm not sure I'm ready yet."  He smiled at her, "Well ready or not, I'm not waiting another day to be with you."

She discovered that night that he didn't believe in birth control, of any kind, he said it was wrong to prevent life from entering the world.  Fortunately her body wasn't any more ready then she was, and she didn't conceive, not then.

After the wedding the routines of life set in, Trevor didn't want her working outside of the house, and for the most part that was fine with her, she kept busy taking care of Madeline, and when Madeline wasn't demanding her attention, she was happy to spend her hours painting and sculpting.

Trevor was a wonderful father, he loved his daughter with everything he had, she was the first person he went to see when he returned home from work at the office each afternoon.  He would ask  Bailey for every detail of his daughter's day, and remind her of anything she may have fallen short on when caring for his baby girl.  She wanted to make him happy, and she wanted to be a good mother, it did seem though that she failed more then she succeeded most days.

Madeline was almost 5 months old when the morning sickness started, she groaned as she leaned over the toilet for the fifth time that day.  She knew what it meant, and she still wasn't ready for it.  Trevor was thrilled though, "I knew you could do it babe, I knew you would give me a houseful of children the day I met you."

Once the morning sickness subsided the pregnancy was easier then Madeline's has been.  She didn't hurt nearly as much as she did with Maddy.  She didn't get as large either, barely showing throughout the pregnancy.  She found doing the every day tasks much easier then it had been in the past, and hoped that maybe the birth would be easier as well.

Madeline grew almost as fast as her mother's belly, soon it seemed she was anticipating birth and teaching Madeline to walk, time was flying by, she thought.  She couldn't believe how much her daughter had grown, or how fast.  "I'll be turning 18 in just a couple of months!"  18 and having her second child, she knew what her mother would say about that, but it was different for her. " I did it right, I have a husband, and besides girls use to get married at 13 back in the Bible!"

She wasn't as sure about having another one when the first pains hit,  Trevor was gone, it was just her and Madeline.  She breathed through the contraction and called him as soon as she could move and talk again.  He was home and by her side 30 minutes later.  The birth was easier this time, the labor progressed much faster, 8 hours after it began it was all over, and she was holding her new baby in her arms.

"Megan, I like the name Megan"  Trevor laughed, "Looks like you are starting a trend with names guess we will have to keep it up, all names starting with M!"  Trevor looked down at Madeline, and what does my princess think of that?  Madeline giggled in her mommy's arms.  "Guess she likes it just fine!"
A tired and sore Bailey wondered how many times he expected her to do this.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Chapter 6

"She just doesn't understand!"  Bailey had enough of her mother's lectures, all she ever talked about it seemed was how bad she had it, and how she was heading down the same path.  "We're in love, and that's the difference, I didn't just jump in bed with him, I love him, he was my first, I know she doesn't believe me, I know she thinks I slept with all the other boys, but I didn't.  Who cares what she thinks, she's just an old woman stuck in the past."  She hung up the phone, absently stroking her belly.  

She wasn't sure how to make her mother happy, she couldn't erase the past, couldn't take back that first time with Trevor, and she didn't want to.  She hadn't planned on having a baby her senior year, but what was done was done, and she couldn't pretend she wasn't thrilled.

She thought back to the last months, after her mother had found out about her and Trevor, she had called and demanded that Trevor come over immediately.  He had charmed her mother, just as he had charmed her.  He didn't miss a beat when Mom had told him that she was pregnant and he was going to marry her.  Just smiled and replied, "I would expect that is the right thing to do, it would be my privilege to have your daughter's hand in marriage."  

Bailey had put her foot down though, insisting that the wedding wait until she was thin again, until after the baby was born. " I don't want people thinking we are getting married just cuz I'm pregnant!"  Her mother had smirked at the comment, finished swallowing her lunch, before adding her thoughts, "Dear you are getting married because you are pregnant."  It had infuriated Bailey, her mother just didn't understand. "No, we are getting married because we are in love and want to spend the rest of our lives together!"  

The next months flew by, Trevor moved in to help take care of her, but her mother had insisted they sleep in separate beds until they were properly wed, it didn't stop anything though, they just had to be more creative to have their time together. 

As her belly grew, so did the discomfort of the pregnancy, her tiny frame didn't appreciate the added weight the baby caused and she hurt all the time.  she soothed herself, telling herself it would all be worth it when their baby was born, when Trevor saw his child for the first time he would know how much she loved him, that she was willing to go through anything for him.

She hadn't been prepared for it, she just hadn't.  Trevor had arrived home from work first and she was thankful he had, she wasn't sure if she could have handled being the first one in the house.  Her mother was gone, dead, deceased, forever.  A heart attack had stolen her away before she could meet her newest grandchild, before she could see Bailey get married, before she saw her graduate high school, before she was ready to face the world without her mother. 

 The day of the graveside service dawned clear and bright, she went with Trevor and was shocked to find they were the only ones there.  Her sister couldn't be bothered to return from France with her newest husband ( She was on husband number 3 now) and Bailey didn't know anyone else to call.

Shortly after arriving home Bailey went into labor, standing outside working on her latest ice sculptor, trying not to think about living life without her mom around.  The pain ripped through her abdomen and wrapped itself around to her back.  She put away the chain saw and made her way into the house to tell Trevor.

They had decided to have a home birth, Trevor said it was better that way, he didn't want doctors and nurses messing with her and the baby, he wanted it to just be them.  So it was, he stood by her side as one contraction after another tore through her body, after 20 hours of pain the world had become fuzzy and out of focus, she couldn't breath anymore, all she could do was cry through them.

29 hours later Trevor helped her into position, the baby was coming, the pressure was unbelievable, but the pain was even worse as she began to push her child into the world.  She couldn't stop herself, the screams tearing from her throat,her body wasn't meant to do this, she couldn't do this.  She felt ever little bit of her child as she tried to move it out of her body, but nothing seemed to be happen. " Come on Babe, you have to push, push hard now, there I can see the head, keep pushing or it's going to go back again!  Push!"  

She did she pushed with everything she had, the burning and tearing grew worse and she was certain she was dying, but she kept pushing, "I can see the head babe, it's coming, our baby is coming!"  She screamed through the next push feeling her tender parts shredding as the head came out followed by a gush of liquids, it was almost over, she pushed again and her baby slipped into it's father's arms. " It's a girl, a beautiful little girl babe!"  

Trevor cleaned up her daughter and together they lay on the bed staring at the new life she had delivered.  "You were amazing babe, I love you, just look at her, our Madeline!"  She couldn't stop looking at her,as exhausted as she was, her daughter was flawless,  she wondered who she would look like  as she grew up. She was awful sorry she was going to have to grow up an only child, but not sorry enough to ever go through that again.