Monday, May 23, 2011

Chapter 7

Trevor insisted they were married a month after Madeline's birth. The simple wedding was held at their home.  Most of the guests were friends of Trevor's, but she didn't care, she was just happy, she was becoming his bride.  The age difference mattered little to her on that day.

As they sealed their marriage with a kiss, Trevor leaned in and whispered in her ear, "I love you so much babe, we are going to have an amazing life together, I know you will be a wonderful wife to me, and I will be the husband you need."

That night after the guests had left and she had put their daughter to bed, they retired to their bedroom, still in their wedding clothes.  " I think it's time we start trying for another one, what do you think?"  She was surprised, Madeline's birth had been so hard for her, she didn't really think she ever wanted to do it again, "Maybe we should wait a bit longer Trevor, I'm not sure I'm ready yet."  He smiled at her, "Well ready or not, I'm not waiting another day to be with you."

She discovered that night that he didn't believe in birth control, of any kind, he said it was wrong to prevent life from entering the world.  Fortunately her body wasn't any more ready then she was, and she didn't conceive, not then.

After the wedding the routines of life set in, Trevor didn't want her working outside of the house, and for the most part that was fine with her, she kept busy taking care of Madeline, and when Madeline wasn't demanding her attention, she was happy to spend her hours painting and sculpting.

Trevor was a wonderful father, he loved his daughter with everything he had, she was the first person he went to see when he returned home from work at the office each afternoon.  He would ask  Bailey for every detail of his daughter's day, and remind her of anything she may have fallen short on when caring for his baby girl.  She wanted to make him happy, and she wanted to be a good mother, it did seem though that she failed more then she succeeded most days.

Madeline was almost 5 months old when the morning sickness started, she groaned as she leaned over the toilet for the fifth time that day.  She knew what it meant, and she still wasn't ready for it.  Trevor was thrilled though, "I knew you could do it babe, I knew you would give me a houseful of children the day I met you."

Once the morning sickness subsided the pregnancy was easier then Madeline's has been.  She didn't hurt nearly as much as she did with Maddy.  She didn't get as large either, barely showing throughout the pregnancy.  She found doing the every day tasks much easier then it had been in the past, and hoped that maybe the birth would be easier as well.

Madeline grew almost as fast as her mother's belly, soon it seemed she was anticipating birth and teaching Madeline to walk, time was flying by, she thought.  She couldn't believe how much her daughter had grown, or how fast.  "I'll be turning 18 in just a couple of months!"  18 and having her second child, she knew what her mother would say about that, but it was different for her. " I did it right, I have a husband, and besides girls use to get married at 13 back in the Bible!"

She wasn't as sure about having another one when the first pains hit,  Trevor was gone, it was just her and Madeline.  She breathed through the contraction and called him as soon as she could move and talk again.  He was home and by her side 30 minutes later.  The birth was easier this time, the labor progressed much faster, 8 hours after it began it was all over, and she was holding her new baby in her arms.

"Megan, I like the name Megan"  Trevor laughed, "Looks like you are starting a trend with names guess we will have to keep it up, all names starting with M!"  Trevor looked down at Madeline, and what does my princess think of that?  Madeline giggled in her mommy's arms.  "Guess she likes it just fine!"
A tired and sore Bailey wondered how many times he expected her to do this.

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