Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Legacy Chapter 10

Their life went on like that for the next year, each living in their own world.  Bailey's world was one filled with diapers, homework, and potty training. Trevor's revolved around his work, he quickly rose to the top in the office, taking over as CEO of the corporation he worked for.  They barely spoke to each other, and never touched.  She had never been so lonely in her life, suddenly she longed for him, longed for his attention.

She didn't know how to break the cycle, didn't know if it could be broke.  She knew he had a mistress, was certain of it, a man didn't go that long unless he was getting something on the side, but she wasn't sure which was worse, the fact he had sought the comfort of another woman's arms, or that she just didn't care, or hadn't cared, but lately that was changing.

She knew if she wanted to save what was left of their marriage she had to make the first move.  She sent the children off to bed and fixed a romantic dinner, then she slipped into a satin chemise and waited for his return home that night.  She knew he would be late, he always was, but she was prepared, she had taken a nap when the kids all left for school, and then spent the rest of the afternoon fixing her hair, painting her nails, and of course shaving.

He was startled when he finally came into their home, the lights were all dimmed, and his wife stood by the door wearing almost nothing.  He could smell dinner from the driveway, and his stomach rumbled in protest.  He just wasn't sure what was more important at that moment.  It was as if he was viewing her for the first time, and his entire body reacted to what he saw.

"What's this? What is going on Bailey?" She suddenly felt like a fool standing there dressed like she was, still she couldn't back out now, so she stammered ahead " I think it's time we reconnected, I miss you Trevor."

"Oh, my beautiful Bailey, I was hoping you would come to me like this, I dreamed of it since the day I made you my wife."  He took her in her arms and kissed her, she felt the sparks from his tongue all the way to her toes, as he carried her off to bed.

It was hard to believe it had been that long, they had been married almost 14 years now.  "Fourteen years and four babies, with another one on the way.  Can I really be 31 years old? Is it possible that I have gotten that old that fast?"  She looked over at her husband, he would be turning 44 in just a few months.

Just then Madeline ran through the house, "I have to run, me and the girls are going to the movies Mom, Love you, I'll be home by nine I promise!" Bailey smiled, "I guess it really is possible, look how big my baby girl has gotten, where did the time fly to!"

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