Saturday, May 21, 2011

Chapter 5

After Hannah moved out it seemed things got easier financially for Anna, she had received two promotions in as many years, and finally had saved up enough money to build her family a proper home.  Rather then destroy what had already been built, they added to it.  She finally had a home she could be proud of, she finally had a proper kitchen and living room, and three nice bedrooms.  By most standards it was a small home, but to Anna it was grand and spacious.

It seemed she blinked and Bailey was 15, so much like her sister in so many ways, and yet so different.  She had her love of painting, but for Bailey it was more then just a hobby, it was a passion, often failing to complete her homework because she spent too much time at the easel.

Painting wasn't the only thing Bailey was passionate about, she was boy crazy, every time Anna turned around Bailey had a different boyfriend, and if she wasn't doing something artistic, you could bet she was somewhere with her latest heart throb.

Shortly after her 16th birthday, her boy crazy ways caught up to her.  Anna had noticed her daughter looking pale, and had seen her in the bathroom throwing up through out the day, she had missed school for over a week, and Anna was pretty sure she knew why.

She took Bailey to the doctor and her suspicions were confirmed there was a baby on the way.  Anna was furious with her daughter.  "Don't you understand that is how I ended up alone, why should they buy the cow when the milk is free Bailey?"

 She wanted to shake sense into her youngest child. " You are getting married, you are going to make this right, for you child and yourself, he isn't getting away with this, I won't let him just leave you to raise this baby alone, it won't happen!"  Anna stopped, realizing she didn't even know for certain who the father was. "Bailey, do you know who the dad is?"

It was Bailey's turn to be angry, " Of course I know, is that all you think of me? I'm a tramp that just opens her legs for anyone, it only happened once Mama, I swear it, and I don't care if we have to get married, we're in love, and I want to spend the rest of my life with him!"

Anna had to sit down when Bailey finally confessed who the father was of her child, "Oh Bailey, he's so old for you, 28 and 16 are worlds apart, well it can't be helped any ways, too old or not he is going to marry you and do right by you!"

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I so don't blame Anna for getting upset.
