Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Chapter 12

* Unfortunately for this chapter, my computer messed up, and I didn't realize it until it was too late, most of the photos I thought I was taking, were not taken, so forgive me for this chapter not being very photo intense.  I wasn't able to go back and get the photos I needed because the sims had already passed those stages.*

They say when you leave your youth behind time begins barreling past you, but it's not true, not completely true. It picks up speed when you leave your youth, but having children, that's what causes time to barrel on past.  It was doing just that to Bailey, she closed her eyes for a second and the twins were walking, talking, and she was back to potty training.

Madeline had would soon graduate high school , Bailey still wasn't sure how it happened, but her first born was almost old enough to leave the nest. It  didn't seem that long ago that she was laying in her arms for the first time still wet from the birth, and now she was changing into a young woman before Bailey's eyes.

Megan didn't seem to have an interest yet in boys, and for that Bailey was grateful, she knew it would come soon enough. She preferred to hang out with her best friends, and had recently declared herself a vegetarian.  Bailey smiled at the announcement, she was certain it was just a stage that she would outgrow, meanwhile it wouldn't hurt to indulge her daughter a bit.

Malachi and  Mason were both doing well in school, although for Malachi it came a bit harder.  He spent hours each night struggling over his homework, and was often envious of his Irish Twin who was done within minutes of starting.

Malachi had developed an interest in all things police, he had begun watching all the cop shows he could get his hands on, specifically ones like NCIS, and CSI.  Bailey wondered if her first born son would choose a career with the Men in Blue.  She didn't really care for that thought, knowing the danger he would be in each day, but still she knew she would be proud of a son that chose to serve his community and protect the innocent.

Bailey Blinked again and the twins were in grade school, Madeline and Megan  had graduated from high school.  Madeline had fallen in love and married her high school sweetheart during a wild weekend to Vegas, and she discovered that Megan would never have an interest in boys.  The last had been a bit of a shock to her, but she only wanted her children to be happy, so when Megan brought home her girlfriend, she had her parent's blessings and good wishes for a happy and fulfilling life, and a love that would last through it's many ups and downs.

Malachi had also fallen in love at the ripe old age of 17.  He declared Holly his true soul mate.  His parents knew that she was the just first of many, at least Bailey hoped so, she didn't much care for Holly.  The girl was beautiful, there was no doubt about that, but she was as rude as she was gorgeous.

It came as quite a shock when a few months later they announced they wanted to be married, and there was little argument against it for Bailey, Holly was pregnant with her grandchild.  They moved the girl into their home, and began making arrangements.  Bailey told the both of  them that there wasn't going to be a grand wedding, they would be married quietly and before the baby was born.

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