Sunday, May 22, 2011

Chapter 6

"She just doesn't understand!"  Bailey had enough of her mother's lectures, all she ever talked about it seemed was how bad she had it, and how she was heading down the same path.  "We're in love, and that's the difference, I didn't just jump in bed with him, I love him, he was my first, I know she doesn't believe me, I know she thinks I slept with all the other boys, but I didn't.  Who cares what she thinks, she's just an old woman stuck in the past."  She hung up the phone, absently stroking her belly.  

She wasn't sure how to make her mother happy, she couldn't erase the past, couldn't take back that first time with Trevor, and she didn't want to.  She hadn't planned on having a baby her senior year, but what was done was done, and she couldn't pretend she wasn't thrilled.

She thought back to the last months, after her mother had found out about her and Trevor, she had called and demanded that Trevor come over immediately.  He had charmed her mother, just as he had charmed her.  He didn't miss a beat when Mom had told him that she was pregnant and he was going to marry her.  Just smiled and replied, "I would expect that is the right thing to do, it would be my privilege to have your daughter's hand in marriage."  

Bailey had put her foot down though, insisting that the wedding wait until she was thin again, until after the baby was born. " I don't want people thinking we are getting married just cuz I'm pregnant!"  Her mother had smirked at the comment, finished swallowing her lunch, before adding her thoughts, "Dear you are getting married because you are pregnant."  It had infuriated Bailey, her mother just didn't understand. "No, we are getting married because we are in love and want to spend the rest of our lives together!"  

The next months flew by, Trevor moved in to help take care of her, but her mother had insisted they sleep in separate beds until they were properly wed, it didn't stop anything though, they just had to be more creative to have their time together. 

As her belly grew, so did the discomfort of the pregnancy, her tiny frame didn't appreciate the added weight the baby caused and she hurt all the time.  she soothed herself, telling herself it would all be worth it when their baby was born, when Trevor saw his child for the first time he would know how much she loved him, that she was willing to go through anything for him.

She hadn't been prepared for it, she just hadn't.  Trevor had arrived home from work first and she was thankful he had, she wasn't sure if she could have handled being the first one in the house.  Her mother was gone, dead, deceased, forever.  A heart attack had stolen her away before she could meet her newest grandchild, before she could see Bailey get married, before she saw her graduate high school, before she was ready to face the world without her mother. 

 The day of the graveside service dawned clear and bright, she went with Trevor and was shocked to find they were the only ones there.  Her sister couldn't be bothered to return from France with her newest husband ( She was on husband number 3 now) and Bailey didn't know anyone else to call.

Shortly after arriving home Bailey went into labor, standing outside working on her latest ice sculptor, trying not to think about living life without her mom around.  The pain ripped through her abdomen and wrapped itself around to her back.  She put away the chain saw and made her way into the house to tell Trevor.

They had decided to have a home birth, Trevor said it was better that way, he didn't want doctors and nurses messing with her and the baby, he wanted it to just be them.  So it was, he stood by her side as one contraction after another tore through her body, after 20 hours of pain the world had become fuzzy and out of focus, she couldn't breath anymore, all she could do was cry through them.

29 hours later Trevor helped her into position, the baby was coming, the pressure was unbelievable, but the pain was even worse as she began to push her child into the world.  She couldn't stop herself, the screams tearing from her throat,her body wasn't meant to do this, she couldn't do this.  She felt ever little bit of her child as she tried to move it out of her body, but nothing seemed to be happen. " Come on Babe, you have to push, push hard now, there I can see the head, keep pushing or it's going to go back again!  Push!"  

She did she pushed with everything she had, the burning and tearing grew worse and she was certain she was dying, but she kept pushing, "I can see the head babe, it's coming, our baby is coming!"  She screamed through the next push feeling her tender parts shredding as the head came out followed by a gush of liquids, it was almost over, she pushed again and her baby slipped into it's father's arms. " It's a girl, a beautiful little girl babe!"  

Trevor cleaned up her daughter and together they lay on the bed staring at the new life she had delivered.  "You were amazing babe, I love you, just look at her, our Madeline!"  She couldn't stop looking at her,as exhausted as she was, her daughter was flawless,  she wondered who she would look like  as she grew up. She was awful sorry she was going to have to grow up an only child, but not sorry enough to ever go through that again.

1 comment:

  1. Where did you get those poses? I didn't even know they had them.
